Samedi 27 avril 2018 : Participation d’Agnès Bricard à la conférence BPW Europe à Vienne

C’est à Vienne en Autriche qu’a eu lieu du 27 au 30 avril le Meeting Annuel des Présidentes de Fédérations Européennes BPW, ainsi que le Symposium Young Europe pour nos membres de moins de 35 ans. Au programme du President Meeting, au delà de la visite des Nations Unies à Vienne, de l’Assemblée Générale et du Conseil d’Administration, il a été question des rapports d’activités nationaux, des actions de lobbying auprès de l »Europe dans le cadre des prochaines élections en 2019, et d’actions auprès des entreprises en matière de : femmes dans les conseils d’administration, de l’Egalité Salariale et de l’Egalité Professionnelle. De nombreuses interventions inspirantes également de Professionnelles de toute l’Europe et de Coordinatrices Young nationales. BPW FRANCE vous donne rendez-vous au prochain Congrès Européen en Irlande à GALWAY ouvert à toutes et tous, qui se tiendra du 24 au 26 mai 2019 (le programme sur, ainsi qu’a un Side event de BPW France en parallèle du Centenaire de l’OIT-ILO à Genève en juin 2019. »

BPW Europe is the European Region of BPW International
BPW International was founded in 1930 in Geneva by Lena Madisen Philips. It has grown to an international network of 30000 members in 100 countries.
We have 5 regions to manage this large organization: North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific.

Europe is the strongest region with appr. 20000 members in nearly 30 countries.

How BPW Europe developped

In the course of the 1960s and 1970s, several relatively informal international meetings were held for German-speaking and some for francophone BPW. There seemed to be a general desire for contacts and cooperation across national borders.

In 1977, the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW) was accredited to the Council of Europe and received consultative status along with some 200 NGOs. Marcelle Devaud was nominated Permanent Representative and Michelle Laublé (both of France) her alternate.

Michelle Laubé, then President of the Strasbourg Club, invited all European BPW Presidents and interested members to the 1st European Conference which took place in September 1981.

In October 1985, the 17th International Congress of BPW International in Auckland, New Zealand, voted to set up five regions, headed by Regional Coordinators. Marian Waats was elected to this position for Europe.

In September 1990, through the hard work of women such as Marcelle Devaud and Emilienne Brunfaut, the European Women’s Lobby was founded in Brussels. BPW is a member of the European Women’s Lobby and Renata Blodow was the first delegate of the European Federations of BPW to the EWL.

The presidents of the European Federations of BPW International decided to created the European Coordinating Committee to support the work of the Regional Coordinator.

In January 2009, the presidents of the European Federations of BPW International created a legal structure to run common projects at European level : BPW European Coordination aisbl (association internationale sans but lucratif – international non profit organisation).

The executive Board of BPW Europe is made of the European Regional Coordinator and members of the ECC.

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